Azad News Blog

Azad News Blog is designed to give you an insight into all things Turkish, including tips about life in Turkey, Turkish culture, economic & political matters and how to get the best out of your home and investment. Showcasing many case studies of those who invested and/or moved to Turkey and integrated into the Turkish lifestyle, this blog is your informative guide for all you need to know about making the big move overseas to Turkey.

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With soaring property prices foreigners are flocking to buy property in Turkey.
Istanbul is the hot favorite with over 50% of the 4,591 units sold in February being in the mega-city.

Many investors are attracted to the 10-12% rental yield that can be earned through daily- rentals by buying in the tourist areas of the city.

Firms including Azad Properties manage both short and long term property-rentals for owners. Contact us for a free consultation regarding buying or managing property in Turkey.


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Recent in our News

	As predicted by experts Turkey has announced changes to its citizenship by investment program.
As predicted by experts Turkey has announced changes to its citizenship by investment program.

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